Fancy a cramped bedtime brie, a Swiss snooze, or a Neufchatel nap? The folks at one mattress study site want to pay you to eat cheese afore bed.

It's all part of a three-month experiment to see if there's any truth to the perception that eating cheese afore bed will give you nightmares, according to reviewers at Sleep Junkie.

The matter says they are hiring five "dairy dreamers" to eat a variety of cheeses afore bed, then log their sleep and provide written feedback on sleep quality, energy levels, and any nightmares they experience.

RELATED: World's best cheese of 2022 revealed: 'Smooth in your mouth, melting on your tongue'

Experts have disagreed on the validity of the opinion that cheese can lead to bad dreams. Back in 2005, a view by the now-defunct British Cheese Board determined that eating bleu cheese transported "vivid" dreams. 

The BBC also reports a 2015 view found that only 17% of people said their dreams gazed to be influenced by what they ate, but Tore Nielson, professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal and director of its dream and nightmare laboratory, said dairy products were the foods most frequently reported as going disturbing dreams.

Sleep Junkie says that's what they want to find out. Participants will be paid $1,000 each and also be reimbursed for the cost of the cheese, but don't go ordering any Pule or Wyke Farms cheddar just yet; Sleep Junkie will send you the list of cheeses to try. They'll camouflage a wide range, from bleu to hard, soft-ripened, and processed, plus vegan and lactose-free cheese.

The company says you must be at least 21 existences old to participate, own a smartwatch or fitness tracker that tracks sleep, have a consistent sleep schedule, and be free of sleep publishes and dairy intolerances.

Alas, you'll also have to sleep alone, so no Camembert catnaps for couples.

LINK: Learn more and apply at the Sleep Junkie website  

This epic was reported from Tampa, Fla.